I think I need to start out by saying thank you!
I have been trying to figure out how to write this post in my mind over and over for months now. As you can see, it has been a long time since I have written and I felt like it was just too hard to start again. Wouldn't that be weird to have a one year gap between posts? But the entire year & even now, I continue to receive encouraging messages and emails from all of you. Thank you!
My blog started out just as a place for me to document my favorite recipes and share it with family and friends. Now I have met many new friends and you have helped me to realize that I really did like sharing my recipes and making this little blog!
I guess I should start out by explaining why I stopped posting to begin with.
I would like to introduce you to my reason ...

At the beginning of last year, we found out this little blessing was going to join our family. I can't tell you how excited we all were! I was excited for every part of it, except the pregnancy part. I do not do well being pregnant. Food becomes an aversion for me. I don't like the smell of things, the feel, the taste, etc... and everything makes me sick. So, there wasn't much cooking happening in this house last year.
When she was born last fall, I thought things would start getting a little easier. I didn't really think that through!
I would like to introduce you to the 3 reasons that didn't happen...

My new thought is that if you have older kids and then have a baby in the fall - you obviously didn't plan it! With school starting, 2 in soccer, flag football, volleyball, boy scouts, daisy scouts, church activities and all of the other fun things happening it was hard to find time for much! We made it through, but again without the normal routine & cooking.
Now that my sweet baby is 5 months, we are settling into a little bit better schedule. My number one priority is to enjoy every second with her, I want to remember and love each stage.
My list of things to do is a mile long and I have new ideas all the time that just don't get done. But, it is okay. I will have that time for myself again soon. And I think I am slowly figuring things out!
That being said, I am ready to try my blog again! I want to say thank you again to everyone who has written to me and shared their thoughts, opinions, suggestions, ideas & even stood up for me when I wasn't ready to respond. I am going to do my very best to respond to you quickly, I really do value what you think and your suggestions.
I am very excited to continue documenting my favorites & sharing with all of you!